About Us

The Red Row in Mullan Village.
Irish craft

We are committed to creating high-quality, unique, and sustainable jewellery that reflects the beauty of nature and the individuality of our customers.

We are an Irish jewellery brand based in Mullan Village, Ireland, specialising in handmade and customised jewellery. Our designs are inspired by the beauty of nature and are created using high-quality, sustainable materials.

Of All Time™ is the culmination of a rich heritage of metalwork and crafting skills honed over decades. Mullan, historically a hub of industrious enterprise like textile and shoemaking, has recently become synonymous with the renowned Mullan Lighting. This legacy of meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail is deeply ingrained in our brand's ethos, enabling us to create fine jewellery that reflects the village's enduring spirit of quality and excellence.

We believe that jewellery is a form of self-expression. We aim to inspire our customers to embrace their individuality and creativity through our unique designs.

Roisín modelling jewellery on the grounds of Castle Leslie, Glaslough.

Our purpose is to inspire confidence, creativity, and self-expression in our customers through our handmade and made-to-order jewellery pieces.

Our commitment to sustainability means that we use eco-friendly materials and processes wherever possible. We are passionate about creating jewellery that not only looks beautiful but also has a positive impact on the environment and the world around us.

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Erin and Anya at the old water pump in Mullan Village.

"Our goal is to create more than just jewellery; we hope to foster a sense of belonging and further contribute to the sustainable development of Mullan Village, making it a vibrant, working community."

Mike & Edel Treanor Founders, Of All Time™