A Complete Guide to Cleaning Your Jewellery: Tips and Techniques


November 24, 2023

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Jewellery has the power to transform an outfit, elevate your style, and hold sentimental value that transcends generations.

Whether it's a sparkling engagement ring, a cherished family heirloom, or a trendy fashion piece, keeping your jewellery clean and well-maintained is essential to preserve its beauty and longevity.

At Of All Time, we have put together this comprehensive guide, where we explore various tips and techniques to help you clean your jewellery effectively and safely.

Why Clean Your Jewellery?

Before we delve into the cleaning process, it's important to understand why cleaning your jewellery is so important.

First of all, it is a way to preserve the jewellery’s appearance. Over time, jewellery can accumulate dirt, oils, and debris that diminish its sparkle and shine. Regular cleaning restores its original lustre.

Cleaning also helps to prevent tarnish. Certain metals, like silver, are prone to tarnishing when exposed to air. Cleaning removes tarnish and helps to maintain the metal's colour.

Proper care and cleaning can prolong the life of your jewellery, preventing the need for costly repairs or replacements. If your jewellery holds monetary or sentimental value, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to preserve its worth.

Ultimately, each piece of jewellery is unique, and it's crucial to understand its specific cleaning requirements. When in doubt, seek advice from a professional jeweller who can provide tailored guidance and, if necessary, offer expert cleaning services.

In this guide, we will explore various techniques for cleaning different types of jewellery, from gold and silver to gemstone and pearl jewellery.

Cleaning Gold Jewellery

Gold jewellery requires regular cleaning to maintain its shine. To do this all you need is some soap and water or an ammonia solution for more stubborn stains.

Use Soap and Water

Cleaning your gold jewellery with soap and water is a safe and gentle method suitable for routine maintenance.

However, for intricate or valuable pieces, or if you're uncertain about cleaning certain types of jewellery, it's always a good idea to seek the advice of a professional jeweller.

They can provide guidance on proper care and cleaning methods specific to your jewellery.

Materials Needed: Mild dish soap, warm water, soft-bristle toothbrush, and a soft cloth.


1. Prepare a Soapy Solution

Fill a small bowl with warm water. Make sure it's not too hot, as extreme temperatures can damage certain gemstones or jewellery components. Add a few drops of mild dish soap to the warm water. Avoid using harsh detergents or soaps with strong chemicals, as they can potentially harm your jewellery.

2. Soak the Jewellery

Place your gold jewellery in the soapy water solution. Allow the jewellery to soak for about 15 to 20 minutes. This soaking period will help loosen dirt, oils, and debris from the jewellery's surface.

3. Brush Gently

After soaking, use a soft-bristle toothbrush (an old, soft toothbrush works well) to gently scrub the jewellery. Pay attention to any crevices, prongs, or hard-to-reach areas where dirt and grime may have accumulated. Be gentle to avoid scratching the gold or any attached gemstones.

4. Rinse Thoroughly

Hold the jewellery under warm running water to rinse away the soapy residue and loosened dirt. Ensure that all traces of soap are removed, as soap residue can dull the jewellery's shine if left behind.

5. Dry Carefully

Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a jewellery polishing cloth to gently pat the jewellery dry. Make sure the jewellery is completely dry, as any remaining moisture can lead to tarnish or water spots.

Use Ammonia Solution (For Stubborn Stains)

Materials Needed: Ammonia solution, soft cloth or brush.

Creating a diluted ammonia solution for cleaning jewellery is a straightforward process.

Ammonia is a powerful cleaning agent, but it should be used with caution, especially on jewellery with delicate gemstones or pearls, as it can potentially damage them.

Always check if ammonia is safe to use on your specific jewellery and follow these steps to create a diluted solution:


1. Determine the Concentration

Depending on the level of tarnish or dirt on your jewellery and the type of metal you're cleaning, you can create a diluted ammonia solution in various concentrations. A safe starting point is to mix 1 part household ammonia with 6 parts distilled water. This ratio can be adjusted depending on the jewellery's condition and your specific needs.

2. Measure and Mix

Using a measuring cup or container, measure the desired amount of ammonia and distilled water according to the ratio you've chosen. For example, if you're using 1 tablespoon of ammonia, you'll mix it with 6 tablespoons of distilled water.

3. Combine the Solution

Carefully pour the measured ammonia into a small container or bowl. Then, add the distilled water to the same container.

4. Mix Thoroughly

Gently stir the solution with a plastic or glass rod, ensuring that the ammonia and water are well combined.

5. Test on a Small Area

Before applying the solution to your jewellery, it's a good practice to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the piece to ensure there are no adverse reactions. This step is particularly important if you're cleaning jewellery with gemstones or pearls.

6. Cleaning with Diluted Ammonia Solution

If the test is successful and there are no adverse effects, you can use the diluted ammonia solution to clean your jewellery. Dip a soft brush or cloth into the solution and gently clean the jewellery, paying attention to tarnished areas or hard-to-reach spots. Be careful not to submerge jewellery with porous stones like opals or pearls, as the ammonia can damage them.

7. Rinse and Dry

After cleaning, rinse the jewellery thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual ammonia. Pat it dry with a soft cloth, and allow it to air dry completely before wearing or storing.

8. Store and Dispose of the Solution

Store any remaining diluted ammonia solution in a labelled, tightly sealed container away from children and pets. Dispose of the solution responsibly by following your local regulations for chemical disposal.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid using abrasive materials like harsh brushes or scouring pads, as they can scratch the surface of your gold jewellery.
  • Do not use bleach or other strong chemicals, as they can damage the gold.
  • If your gold jewellery has gemstones or delicate components, exercise extra caution while cleaning to avoid damage to those parts. In some cases, it may be best to consult a professional jeweller for cleaning and maintenance.

Cleaning Silver Jewellery

Silver jewellery is very susceptible to tarnish, making the jewellery lose its shine. On the bright side, it doesn’t take much to clean your silver jewellery and many of the materials needed can be found at home!

Use Baking Soda and Aluminium Foil

Cleaning silver jewellery with baking soda and aluminium foil is an effective and chemical-free method to remove tarnish and restore its shine.

This method is suitable for solid silver jewellery but should not be used on silver-plated items, as it can damage the thin silver layer.

Be cautious when using this method on jewellery with delicate gemstones, as the boiling water may affect them. Consult a professional jeweller for cleaning such pieces.

Materials Needed: Baking soda, aluminium foil, boiling water, soft cloth.


1. Line a Bowl with Aluminium Foil

Take a bowl or container large enough to immerse your silver jewellery. Line the inside of the bowl with a piece of aluminium foil, shiny side up. The aluminium foil helps facilitate the tarnish removal process.

2. Place the Tarnished Jewellery on the Foil

Lay your tarnished silver jewellery pieces on the aluminium foil in the bowl. Ensure that each piece is in direct contact with the foil.

3. Sprinkle with Baking Soda

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the silver jewellery. Make sure to cover all tarnished areas.

4. Add Boiling Water

Carefully pour boiling water over the jewellery, ensuring that it covers the pieces completely. The hot water activates the baking soda, creating a chemical reaction that helps remove tarnish.

5. Let It Soak

Allow the jewellery to soak in the hot water and baking soda solution for a few minutes. You will notice bubbling and a distinct sulphur smell as the tarnish is being lifted from the silver.

6. Agitate the Jewellery (Optional)

For intricate designs or pieces with stubborn tarnish, you can gently agitate the jewellery using a soft brush. Be cautious not to scratch the silver.

7. Rinse and Dry

Carefully remove the jewellery from the bowl and rinse it under warm running water. Make sure to rinse away all the baking soda residue. Use a soft cloth or towel to gently pat the jewellery dry. Ensure it's completely dry to prevent water spots and further tarnish.

8. Buff to Shine (Optional)

To bring out the jewellery's natural shine, you can use a silver polishing cloth or a dedicated jewellery polishing cloth designed for silver. Gently buff the jewellery to a brilliant shine.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh brushes that could scratch the silver.
  • It's a good practice to clean and maintain your silver jewellery regularly to prevent heavy tarnish build-up.

Cleaning Gemstone Jewellery

Cleaning gemstone jewellery requires special care to preserve the beauty and durability of both the gemstones and the metal settings.

Gemstones come in various types, and each may require slightly different cleaning methods.

Always check if a gemstone is suitable for cleaning with soap and water or consult a professional jeweller for guidance.

Use Gentle Soapy Water

Always check if a gemstone is suitable for cleaning with soap and water or consult a professional jeweller for guidance. Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive materials, or ultrasonic cleaners on gemstone jewellery, as they can damage the stones.

Materials Needed: Mild dish soap, warm water, soft brush, and a soft cloth.


1. Prepare a Cleaning Solution

Fill a bowl or container with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot or cold water, as extreme temperatures can be harmful to some gemstones. Add a few drops of mild dish soap to the water. Alternatively, you can use a jewellery-specific cleaner that's suitable for the gemstones in your jewellery.

2. Soak the Jewellery

Place your gemstone jewellery in the soapy water solution. Allow the jewellery to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Gentle Brushing

After soaking, use a soft brush (like a soft toothbrush or a dedicated jewellery brush) to gently scrub the jewellery. Pay special attention to areas around the gemstones, prongs, and any crevices where dirt and grime may have accumulated. For intricate areas or hard-to-reach spots, use a toothpick or cotton swab dipped in the soapy water to clean.

4. Rinse Thoroughly

Hold the jewellery under lukewarm running water to rinse away any soap residue and loosened dirt. Ensure that all traces of soap are removed, as soap residue can dull the gemstones and metal settings if left behind.

5. Dry with a Soft Cloth

Use a soft cloth, preferably microfiber or lint-free, to gently pat the jewellery dry. Make sure the jewellery is completely dry, as any remaining moisture can lead to tarnish or water spots.

6. Inspect and Polish (Optional)

After cleaning and drying your gemstone jewellery, take a moment to inspect it for any remaining spots or dullness. If needed, you can use a jewellery polishing cloth specifically designed for the metal (e.g., silver or gold) to give it an extra shine. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the polishing cloth.

Cleaning Pearl Jewellery

Cleaning pearl jewellery requires special care to maintain the lustre and delicate nature of pearls. Pearls are organic gems, and they can be easily damaged by chemicals and abrasive materials.

Use Mild Soapy Water

Materials Needed: Mild soap, lukewarm water, soft cloth.


1. Prepare a Cleaning Solution

Fill a bowl or container with lukewarm water. Make sure it's not too hot, as extreme temperatures can damage pearls. Add a few drops of mild, non-detergent soap (baby shampoo or a mild liquid hand soap) to the water. Avoid using regular dish soap or harsh detergents.

2. Soak the Jewellery

Place your pearl jewellery in the soapy water solution. Allow the jewellery to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes. This soaking period helps soften and loosen dirt, oils, and debris.

3. Gentle Cleaning

After soaking, use a soft cloth to gently wipe the pearls. This will help remove surface dirt and oils. For more stubborn dirt or in hard-to-reach areas, use a soft brush (like a soft toothbrush or a dedicated jewellery brush). Pay attention to areas around the pearls' drill holes and any crevices. Use a toothpick or cotton swab dipped in the soapy water to clean intricate areas or hard-to-reach spots.

4. Rinse Thoroughly

Hold the pearl jewellery under lukewarm running water to rinse away any soap residue and loosened dirt. Be gentle during the rinsing process to avoid splashing or dropping the pearls.

5. Dry with a Soft Cloth

Lay the cleaned pearl jewellery flat on a soft cloth, preferably microfiber or lint-free, to air dry. Allow the pearls to dry completely before wearing or storing them.


In conclusion, regular cleaning and proper care are essential to ensure that your jewellery continues to shine brightly and stand the test of time.

Storing your jewellery correctly can help minimise the need for cleaning.

Whether you opt for the simplicity of soap and water, the natural cleaning power of baking soda and aluminium foil, or more specialised methods, the key is to be gentle and avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could harm your precious pieces.

By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can enjoy your jewellery's radiance for generations to come. So, go ahead, clean your jewellery with confidence, and let its brilliance continue to illuminate your life.